01 May 2013

May ePostal..

Should be posted here and over at Smallest Conservative but alas it is still under construction.....

The SandCastle Son will be hosting over at SmallestConservative and mirrored here.  He did a lot of up front work coming up with the target and course of fire.  Unfortunately the course of fire requires 700 rounds and has a maximum score of about 12,000.  This was obviously set up as a joke.  We need to re-evaluate to a more realistic course of fire and round count. 

Also he designed it in a format that is not easily transferred to the web.  The conversion will take another day or so.  Part of giving him a match to run is experiencing what it takes behind the scenes.  Getting the post ready up front, and processing the scores on the back end.  I want him to do it.  It doesn't do him any good for me to do it for him.

We should have been ahead of the game and ready to turn the key today.  My bad.  Bad Dad!  All I can say is "it's been a busy month".   The SCSon shot the state commissioner's cup Sporting Clays event March 30th, Trap April 5th and Skeet April 27th with practices on the intervening weekends.  That ate up a lot of free time. 

We have several hours scheduled tomorrow in airport waiting rooms* so we should get at least the target and course of fire up by tomorrow night in time for the weekend.

Final note, please submit your targets to the SandCastle Son.  If you do not receive an acknowledgement within 24 hours, resend to sandcastlescrolls [at] msn [dot] com.  Feel free to email to both addresses when submitting 1st time.  I just want to back stop him and make sure nothing falls through a crack to ensure we have a smooth ePostal match.

* We are enroute to the NRAAM.  If you are going too, I hope we can meet up! 


Billll said...

The "Deficit Reduction" target was a 10-round target with a maximum score of -60,000,000 or so. An entertaining exercise in futility in which no one worried about low scores since they were expected.

Old NFO said...

Y'all made it, and great to see you again...