I got into shooting because it's fun! Unfortunately what most people do with guns is to focus on the least fun aspect of the sport: punching holes in paper. Don't get me wrong, it's the only way to measure repeatable accuracy. It's the only way to see who's the best. But the real fun is in putting that bullet where you want it with instant pass/fail feedback.
For that you need reactive targets. Targets that let you know immediately of a hit or miss. That means steel plates, poppers, and plate racks; clay pigeons, an old time shooting gallery and the big daddy of reactive targets, Boomershoot (playing out this very weekend). These are a lot more fun than punching holes in paper.
Unfortunately the fleeting nature of reactive targets make them hard to put into the ePostal format of "try as many times as you like and submit your best". But I think I've found a way that at least some ranges will allow the target. These reactive targets are non-explosive and biodegradable but provide the desired response.
Ladies, Gentlemen and Shooters everywhere, I give you "Necco
Mania!"As hinted late last year, this match is posted in three parts.
- Scavenger hunt: Procure a roll(s) of "Necco Wafers". In the days of my youth, every grocery and liquor store carried these candy rolls. They probably sold for a dime like every other candy bar at the time. They are still produced but are no longer in wide distribution.
Ithe SandCastle Queen found these are our local specialty candy store.
- Affix one wafer to each target circle on the linked target. White glue, contact cement or double sided tape have all been successful. This is our target. I opted for the "chocolate flavors" as there are more dark colored wafers per roll. The normal roll has lots of pastels which might not contrast well with the white paper backing. Coloring the wafers for maximum contrast is allowed. The SCQueen suggests food coloring if you want to eat the misses afterwards. Ink or paint coloring is not recommended for human consumption.
- Shoot said target, enjoy the sight and sound of shattering wafers; and HAVE FUN!
Course of fire:
Download and print target here.
19 targets, 20 shots. These are tiny targets, you are allowed one free miss. The target has 19 spots while each Necco roll contains 38 wafers by my count. You may assume the even multiple is not an accident.
Pistols: 7 yds or range minimum which ever is greater. Standing unsupported, one or two hands. No time limit.
Rifles may be shot any position including off the bench, but rests such as sandbags and bi-pods are disallowed. The fore end of the rifle must be supported by the offhand elbow*. No time limit.
- Rimfire, both iron sights and scope: 25 yards (4 MOA).
- Centerfire iron sight: 50 yds (2 MOA)
- Centerfire scope: 100 yds (1 MOA)
Ties will be broken by distance. The longer distance takes the place (7M > 7Yds).
Shoot as many times as you like with as many weapons as you can lay your grubby hands on. With the exception of class 12, we only want to see your best scores for each gun. Save your worst of the month for class 12 (any gun).
Classes: You got it? shoot it and we'll find a place to record the score. (I reserve the right to draw the line at tater-guns & scatter guns).
- .177 cal air pistol, iron sights (air or C02 powered)
- .177 cal air pistol, optic sights (air or C02 powered)
- .17/.22 cal rim fire pistol, iron sights
- .17/.22 cal rim fire pistol, magnified optical sights
- center fire pistol, iron sights
- center fire pistol, magnified optic sights
- .17/.22 cal rim fire rifle iron sights (25 yds)
- .17/.22 cal rim fire rifle magnified optic sights (25 yds)
- center fire rifle iron sights (50 yds)
- center fire rifle magnified optic sights (100 yds)
- other (anything that doesn't fit the above categories)
- Low-ball (if you managed to put twenty holes on paper and yet miss most, submit your target here. This class is open to all comers and may duplicate the firearm used in prior categories. Inspired by Mr C's March Mess. Can anyone beat my -19 in March?)
Post Scripts:
* handicapped shooters are invited and encouraged to participate. Waivers will be granted to the extent of the limitation. Come and shoot with us!
"Necco" is a registered trademark of the New England Confectionary Company, Inc. Revere MA www.necco.com
HatTip: The "shooting at biodegradable targets" idea comes from friend and fellow shooter JJ. Sorry, no web presence so no linky love. Still credit where credit is due.
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