Heading out on the freeway, there was a definite vibration in the car at speed. I figured a tire had thrown a wheel weight and a simple re-balance would fix it after I was home. Halfway home the steel belts let go. I was in the middle lane and another car was between me and the emergency lane. I hit the blinker to indicate my desire for the shoulder. The other driver immediately backed off giving me have the lane. Thank you! You are far more aware than most drivers.
BTW, the Air Temp was about 110F and there wasn't a bit of shade in sight. The tire was still inflated which allowed limping off the freeway to a WallyWorld at the exit. At least there I could get out of the heat and a cool drink while waiting for rescue. Oh, and I checked the ammo supply while there. Scoring a couple Federal .22 bulk packs would have at least made the diversion worthwhile. Nothin' but 12ga. shells.