Download Target .pdf here English Version here.

Course of Fire:
Distance: 10 shots at 10 yds or range minimum, which ever is larger.
Scoring is simple: Your task is to assemble the bestest sandwich you can with 10 shots. Each FIRST hit on a meat, cheese, topping & condiment counts one point. No penalty for additional hits on a target. "Complete sandwich" bonus 2x applies for targets with at least one hit in each of the four categories.
Liner's count. Even liners on text extending outside of the normal target area. Any hit touching a line counts as a hit (does not have to be enclosed). No penalties for liners, no adders for clear hits. This is intentionally an easy target! I want to see lots of high scores! (hits/liners on the course of fire notes do not count. Those are on the target because many times I've printed targets when it comes out, but don't get around to shooting them until a week or three later. As I'm driving out to the range I've wondered "How many shots? what distance?". So it's right there on the target)
This is such an easy target, if you shoot a 10 shots without scoring a point, I want to see that too! There will be a special class for zero scores! because I expect that will be challenge in itself! Heck, if you shoot a one score, send that in as well. This is a "just for fun class" so these targets will be accepted in addition to your best score with the same firearm, the multiple entry rule below not withstanding.
Don't worry about it... just shoot it and let me know the conditions, including if you can't shoot at the specified distance. You may assume a normal caliber/optic/barrel length/distance matrix of classes, From .177 air pistol garage range to a bowling ball mortar in a free field. Potato Gun? Why not? Bring it! Wherever (but post/send/link pics! Particularly on the BB Mortar, without video, it didn't happen ;-)... just shoot it and I'll find a place to record the score.
Get out and shoot it!
Send in your target scans/photos or links to same to sand castle scrolls at emm ess enn dot com (apply human filter to resolve actual eaddy). Include your name (as you want it reported in the results), caliber, distance, sights (iron/ red dot or magnified optic) Gun Make & Model, and any web links you want to include for linky love.
Multiple entries are allowed and encouraged, but please only send your best per firearm.
* Why Russia? because I needed a plot device to explain the limited options at this particular sandwich shop. My local uboat-way franchise offers many more options than I can fit onto an 8.5x11" sheet, but they can't explain why the advertised Honey Oat is not an available today, several times in a row!
** I am not Russian speaker. "Dos Vidanya", "Nyet" and "minoga" are pretty much the limits of my vocabulary and those reach back to "Hunt for Red October". The translations offered here are credited to/blamed on