02 October 2009

Quality Time

It's said a lot of being a parent comes down to "being there".

The SCSon just came bouncing down the stairs rattling off something about "The best weapon to kill werewolves is a shotgun!" Hmmm.. That's interesting, what makes you say that. He had been playing a werewolf game on Roblox.

That led to a conversation on undead beings and what does it really mean to kill and undead, then a peak at MHI where he started to read at page one. I think the book is still a bit over his ability. He understood but was having to work at the understanding. Thence onto a few minutes of quality time reviewing the MHI unit patches

BTW, while the autograph in the front of the book scored serious cool-dad points, then showing him an actual MHI patch was a home run if not a grand slam.

If you still haven't read the book, a) what's wrong with you and b) what's stopping you? I've read it once and started a second read. Larry reports it's into the second printing, but no details on whether autographed copies are still available. If you're interested, it's worth asking the question. Worst he can say is "no".

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